Lauren de Sá Naylor

Lauren de Sá Naylor writes prose/poetry from the mythopoetics of autobiographical rumination, oneiromancy, and biophilia. She makes film/audio collage—interactive layers of electronic sound, field recordings, and voice—to think through subjectivity, relation, and embodiment. Throughout the 00’s she published and distributed Pretend I am Someone Else zine, and continues to self-publish, most recently ONANIA: a book of dreams. My Dance the Skull, If a Leaf Falls Press, 3am, Hotel, Eros, & Gorse have published her essays, poetry, and prose. She received an MA from the University of Leeds and has taught Critical & Cultural Theory. She lives in a semi-rural post-industrial town in the UK’s North, where she is ¼ of a collective/artist-run bar.

Publications Lauren de Sá Naylor contributed to: