[New York, NY]

Segue Reading Series: Holly Melgard & Trey
January 22, 2022, 5:00 pm
at Artists Space; virtual

The Segue Reading Series, presented by The Segue Foundation and Artists Space, takes place both in-person as well as online for the Fall/Winter 2021-22 season. UDP author Holly Melgard reads alongside Trey (also known as Vernon Keeve III).

Holly Melgard is the author of the poetry books Poems for Baby trilogy, The Making of The AmericansBlack Friday, Reimbursement (Troll Thread), Cats Can’t Taste Sugar (Gaus PDF), as well as the chapbooks Catcall (Ugly Duckling Presse) and Divisions of Labor (MakeNow). Along with Joey Yearous-Algozin, she has also co-authored White Trash (Troll Thread) and Liquidation. Her poetry books Fetal Position (Roof), Inner Critic: A Journal of Inner Criticism (Kenning Editions), and Selected Poems (Ugly Duckling Presse) are also forthcoming.

Admission at Artists Space is $5 cash. Masks & proof of vaccination required. Limited seating, safely distanced. The event will also be hosted on Zoom.

The Segue Reading Series has been curated by Danielle Jackson and James Sherry for December/January. For the full Series season calendar and info on how to join the Zoom webinar, click here.