Sara Veglahn and Noah Eli Gordon

Noah Eli Gordon's books include: Novel Pictorial Noise (selected by John Ashbery for the 2006 National Poetry Series); A Fiddle Pulled From the Throat of a Sparrow (New Issues, 2007, winner of the Green Rose Prize); The Area of Sound Called the Subtone (Ahsahta Press, 2004, selected by Claudia Rankine for the Sawtooth Prize); and The Frequencies (Tougher Disguises, 2003). He teaches creative writing at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Sara Veglahn is the author of three chapbooks: Closed Histories (Noemi Press, 2008); Falling Forward (Braincase Press, 2003); and Another Random Heart (Letter Machine Editions, 2009); as well as co-author of That We Come to a Consensus. She served as the Associate Editor for the Denver Quarterly 2007-2009 and has taught literature and creative writing at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Naropa University, and the University of Denver, where she recently completed her doctorate.

Publications Sara Veglahn and Noah Eli Gordon contributed to: