Joyelle McSweeney
Joyelle McSweeney is the author of the hybrid novels Flet (Fence, 2008) and Nylund the Sarcographer (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2007) as well as the poetry volumes The Commandrine and Other Poems (Fence 2004) and The Red Bird, which was chosen by Allen Grossman to inaugurate the Fence Modern Poets Series in 2001. Her prose, poetry, and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in many publications, including the anthologies My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales (Penguin 2010) and Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century (Sarabande 2006). McSweeney’s poetic essays, on such topics as the Necropastoral and the Body Possessed by Media, have appeared or are forthcoming in chapbook and pamphlet form from Spork Press and Ugly Duckling Presse, and numerous other print venues. She is an Associate Professor in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Notre Dame. A new volume of poetry and plays is forthcoming from Fence in Spring 2012.