Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor‘s first theater job was running the lights for Charles Ludlam and the Ridiculous Theatrical Company in Sheridan Square. Since then, she has been writing, directing and producing theater, art installations and video. She has co-curated hundreds of artists and short pieces for Little Theatre, a monthly showcase of in-progress and experimental work. Her plays include: not knowing, The Sadness of Others, If I Were You, PEGLEG! or The Treacherous Journey ‘Round the Horn and Jumpstrasse Sehnsucht.  Her work has been shown at La Mama ETC, The Kitchen, The Ontological, PS122, Cuchifritos Gallery, Dixon Place, TONIC, and various raw spaces in NYC, and her videos have been showcased in in the US and Europe. She is currently working on a new play Road to Perdition, World Without End (probably a situation comedy.)

Publications Mike Taylor contributed to: