
Brandon Brown and Robert Fitterman
November 14, 2015, 8:00 pm
at woosley heights

Woolsey Heights presents Rob Fitterman & Brandon Brown Robert Fitterman is the author of 14 books of poetry including Nevermind (forthcoming Wonder Books, Spring 2016), Rob’s Word Shop (Ugly Duckling Press, forthcoming, 2016), No Wait, Yep. Definitely Still Hate Myself (Ugly Duckling Press, 2014), Holocaust Museum (Counterpath, 2013, and Veer [London] 2012), now we are friends (Truck Books, 2010), Rob the Plagiarist (Roof Books, 2009), war, the musical (Subpress, 2006), and Metropolis—a long poem in 4 separate volumes. Brandon Brown is the author of four books, most recently Top 40 and Flowering Mall, both from Roof. His work has appeared recently in Art Practical, Maggy, Elderly, and Where Eagles Dare. He is a co-editor at Krupskaya and occasionally publishes small press materials under the imprint OMG! Brown is currently writing a monograph about Gregg Araki’s Smiley Face and a series of pieces on Bay Area painting for KQED. He lives in Oakland. More info here