
Joshua Edwards
December 6, 2015, 3:00 pm
at UMass

& Mónica de la Torre reading at the jubilat/Jones Reading Series in UMass (in the Goodwin Room). Joshua Edwards directs and co-edits Canarium Books. He's the author of three books of poetry, Architecture for Travelers, Imperial Nostalgias, and Campeche, and a photobook, Photographs Taken at One-Hour Intervals During a Walk from Galveston Island to the West Texas Town of Marfa. He also translated Mexican poet Maria Baranda's book-length poem, Ficticia. He lives in Marfa, Texas and elsewhere with his wife, Lynn Xu. Mónica de la Torre's The Happy End/ All Welcome is forthcoming from Ugly Duckling Presse in 2016. Previous poetry books include Public Domain (Roof Books, 2009) and Talk Shows (Switchback, 2007), as well as two collections in Spanish. Her work has been recently published in The New Yorker, Aufgabe, Convolution, frieze, Triple Canopy's Corrected Slogans, The White Review, and the New Museum's 2015 triennial volume The Animated Reader. She is BOMB Magazine's senior editor. more info here