
Hoa Nguyen
March 6, 2016, 3:00 pm
at University Press Books

Reading at Berkeley at USB with Gillian Conoley. Hoa Nguyen is the author of nine books and chapbooks, including As Long As Trees Last, and Red Juice, a gathering of her early, uncollected poems. She lives in Toronto where she teaches poetics in a private workshop and at Ryerson University. Gillian Conoley’s most recent collection of poetry, Peace, was named an Academy of American Poets Stand-out Book for 2014 and a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award. She is the author of eight collections of poetry including The Plot Genie, Profane Halo, Lovers in the Used World, and Tall Stranger, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Conoley’s work has received the Jerome J. Shestack Poetry Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts grant, and a Fund for Poetry Award, and has been anthologized in more than 20 national and international anthologies, including W.W. Norton’s Postmodern American Poetry (second edition), W.W. Norton’s American Hybrid, Counterpath’s Postmodern Lyricism, and Oscar Mondadori’s Nuova Poesia Americana. more info here