
UDP Partner Bookstore E.M. Wolfman Two Year Anniversary
April 8, 2016, 7:00 pm
at E.M. Wolfman General Interest Small Bookstore

Hey friends! E.M. Wolfman is finally turning two! It seems like it's taken two years for this to happen, and we've been on this wild journey and suddenly here we are. We didn't do a party for our one year anniversary—we kind of forgot? Or we were in a weird mood? Or we just were busy? Or something came up? Anyway, we want to DO IT UP this year to make up for last year's lapse and because we have all these balloons left over from the Hundy and we're tired of trying to sell bulk balloons on Craigslist (it's more work than it's worth) and because—what were we talking about? Here is the general outline of the thing: 1. Incredible Group Art Show. 2. Too Many Performances and Readings. 3. Some Really High Quality Snacks. 4. Actual DJs DJing. 5. We all go home. 6. More details coming soon. 7. Also, who cares about more details? 8. You should just come! 9. Yes! More info here.