
Kevin Opstedal and Julian Poirier
February 10, 2017, 8:00 pm
at Beyond Baroque

10 February Friday 8:00 PMKEVIN OPSTEDAL and JULIEN POIRIER Born and raised in Venice, California, Keven Opstedal is a poet whose line leaves three decades of road cuts across the entire imaginary West. His latest book, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME: (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2016) is a 200+ page collection of new and selected poems that provides a thorough introduction/reintroduction to his enormous output of chapbooks and two full-length collections. "His poems," writes Lewis MacAdams, "are hard-nosed without being hard-hearted." As identity and ideas duke it out in the back-alley of academia, Opstedal surfs an oil slick off Malibu into the apocalypse of style. Julien Poirier has taught poetry in the New York City and San Francisco public schools and at San Quentin State Prison. He was a founding member of the Brooklyn-based Ugly Duckling Presse Collective. Some of his book are: Out of Print (City Lights, 2016), Way Too West (Bootstrap, 2015), and El Golpe Chileño (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010). Regular admission.