Jure Detela

Jure Detela was born in Ljubljana in 1951. Although he was an important figure in the tumultuous avant garde movement that dominated Slovene culture in the 1980s, he nevertheless stood somewhat apart from its main currents. Detela was a true renaissance man: as a thinker, he was in many ways far ahead of his time, anticipating Derrida, Žižek, and others in his environmentalist activism and consistent critique of anthropomorphism; as a poet, he was widely read, and conducted an ongoing dialogue in his verse with an astounding array of poets from many different traditions—from the Greek classics and Japanese haiku masters to the English and German Romantics and French Decadents (even Emily Dickinson is addressed in one of his poems). He was also an accomplished critic and art historian. Jure Detela died in Ljubljana in 1992, from complications resulting from a hunger strike against the Yugoslav regime in Belgrade.

Publications Jure Detela contributed to: