[New York]

Simone White at Words Do Not Pass, They Accumulate
October 11, 2018, 7:00 pm
at The James Gallery

Join us for an evening of readings and conversations with Simone White, Bridget Talone, and Zachary Pace, who will read poetry in the space of painting, testing the overlap between the way poems and paintings make meaning. When William Carlos Williams famously wrote: “a poem is a machine” he transformed Baudelaire’s statement that “a painting is a machine.” Williams further said that “a poem is a machine that makes meaning.” Both words and objects preexist the poet/painter, but how does their re-use of these materials elaborate on or “rewrite” the matter at hand? If we say, "words do not pass, they accumulate," then with each repetition a single word adds a new layer or shifts the connotation of meaning.