
Letra Muerta & Cardboard House Press: Book Party & Salon
October 27, 2018, 7:00 pm
at Ugly Duckling Presse Workshop

Letra Muerta — an independent publisher founded in 2014 in Venezuela — focuses on archival literary projects and has recently began publishing translations to English and French. Their beautifully designed fine-press editions (printed by Master printer Javier Aizpurua at Ex Libris Press) have won multiple awards. Cardboard House Press is devoted to the creation of spaces and media for cultural, artistic, and literary development through the publication and circulation of writing, art, and contemporary thought from Latin America and Spain and through bilingual events, community projects and workshops. Cardboard House publications are bilingual (English and Spanish), and they have published authors from Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Uruguay. Adalber Salas will read from his book, A Love Supreme, and Roger Santiváñez will read from Roberts Pool Twilights. This event is bilingual, and will include a performance of John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" by trumpet player Alejandro Berti. The event is free. More information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/578487089235295/