[New York, NY 10001]

Book Party: Ed Steck, Robert Fitterman, Eileen Quinlan
February 22, 2019, 6:30 pm
at Printed Matter, Inc.

A book release celebration with Ed Steck, Robert Fiterman, and Eileen Quinlan.
Ed Steck will read from his new book, An Interface for a Fractal Landscape (UDP, 2019). Robert Fitterman and Andy Lampert will perform from Rob’s Word Shop (UDP, 2019) and re-stage an improvised transaction of words and letters based on Fitterman’s durational performance work. Eileen Quinlan will read a collaborative text with Ed Steck composed in conversation with her new book, Good Enough, published by Osmos Books.

Free entry. Wine and refreshments will be provided by Printed Matter.

More info and author biosĀ here.