KT Billey

K.T. Billey is from rural Alberta, Canada. She won Vallum’s 2015 Poetry Prize with “Girl Gives Birth To Thunder” and her work has appeared in journals such as CutBank, Denver Quarterly, The Harvard Review, EuropeNow, The New Orleans Review, & others in the U.S., U.K., and Canada. She translates from the Icelandic and Spanish. Stormwarning, her translation of Stormviðvörun by Icelandic poet Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir, is forthcoming from Phoneme Media in 2017 and was awarded the Leif and Inger Sjöberg Prize by the American Scandinavian Foundation. Tito, her translation of Marcelo Simonetti’s most recent novel, is out this spring through Chile’s Directorate for Cultural Affairs. Essays and literary criticism have appeared or are forthcoming in Guernica, BOMB, The Harvard Review, & others. rn

Publications KT Billey contributed to: