Keith Waldrop
Keith Waldrop (born Emporia, Kansas, 1932) is retired from Brown University. His recent poetry books are Selected Poems, The Not Forever, The Real Subject (Omnidawn), Transcendental Studies (University of California Press, National Book Award 2009), and a trilogy: The Locality Principle, The Silhouette of and Semiramis If I Remember (Avec Books). Siglio has published a book of his collages, Several Gravities. His novel, Light While There Is Light, has been reissued by Dalkey Archive. He has translated Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil and Paris Spleen (Wesleyan University Press) as well as books by contemporary French poets Anne-Marie Albiach, Claude Royet-Journoud, Paol Keineg, Dominique Fourcade, Pascal Quignard, and Jean Grosjean. With Rosmarie Waldrop, he has published Well Well Reality (Post-Apollo Press), Ceci n’est pas Keith Ceci n’est pas Rosmarie (autobiographies, Burning Deck), and Rosmarie & Keith Waldrop, Keeping/ the Window Open: Interviews, statements, alarms, excursions, ed. Ben Lerner (Wave Books). They live in Providence where they co-edited the small press, Burning Deck.