Alan Loney

Alan Loney is a poet, handpress printer, and writer on the nature of the book. Recent poetry includes Crankhandle (Cordite), Heidegger’s bicycle (Paekakariki Press), Melbourne Journal (UWA Publishing), and Next to nothing (Red Dragonfly Press). His books about books include The printing of a masterpiece (Black Pepper), The books to come (Cuneiform Press), and In search of the book as a work of art (Opifex Books). Loney was printer at The Holloway Press at the University of Auckland, and has recently retired from Electio Editions. He published Verso : a magazine for the book as a work of art. He has been Literary Fellow at University of Auckland, and was awarded the poetry prize in the 2016 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards as well as The Janet Frame Literary Trust Award for a life’s achievement in poetry. Loney’s poetry has also been printed in limited editions by Granary Books, Ink-A! Press, Nawakum Press, The Press at Colorado College, Mixolydian Press, Greenboathouse Press, Ninja Press, and Barbarian Press, among others. He lives with his partner, artist and musician Miriam Morris, in Melbourne.

Publications Alan Loney contributed to: