Charles Alexander
Charles Alexander is a poet, bookmaker, professor, founder/director of Chax Press. He is the author of 6 full-length books of poetry and 13 brief chapbooks of poetry, editor of one critical work on the state of the book arts in America, author of multiple essays, articles, and reviews. Most recent books of poetry are AT the Edge OF the Sea: Pushing Water II (Singing Horse Press), Pushing Water (Cuneiform Press), and the chapbooks Some Sentences Look for Some Periods, and Two Pushing Waters, both from Little Red Leaves Textile Series. Pushing Water III is forthcoming from Cuneiform Press. He has taught literature and writing at Naropa University, University of Arizona, and elsewhere, including the University of Houston-Victoria, where he directed the MFA Creative Writing Program and managed the UHV Center for the Arts from 2014 through 2018. He has received the Arizona Arts Award, and has participated in the TAMAAS Poetry Translation Project in Paris, the US Poets in Mexico program, and the 7th International Chinese/American Poetry & Poetics Conference in Wuhan, Hubei, China. In April 2019, he was a keynote speaker and lecturer in the Swan Shakespeare Lecture series sponsored by Southwest University in Chongqing, China. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his partner, the painter Cynthia Miller.