[New York, NY]

Matvei Yankelevich and James Hoff at Something Else Press conference
September 29, 2019, 3:00 pm
at Emily Harvey Foundation

UDP editor Matvei Yankelevich and author/former editor James Hoff (TEN MORE POEMS, 2003) will participate in a panel entitled “Anything Else?” with Kaye Cain-Nielsen, Jonas (J) Magnusson, Cecilia Grönberg and David Reinfurt, with moderation by David Platzker.
This panel is part of a conference on Something Else Press, organized by Christian Xatrec and Alice Centamore with the Emily Harvey Foundation.
For this symposium, we have identified a group of experts primarily concerned with books treated as art, and publication strategies that become objects of intellectual inquiry in and of themselves. Representatives from contemporary presses (e-flux journal, Primary Information, OEI, Dexter Sinister, and Ugly Duckling Presse) and rare-book/edition specialists will discuss radical publishing practices, which are vital to any adequate historicizing of the immense impact the 1960s occupy in contemporary art. By confronting the radicality of these platforms with reference to the “founding principles” of the SEP —such as the ambition to give voice to the newly emerging consciousness of the time or the network/collective of the Press’s mailing list—the participants will cast their historical considerations in the light of recent and currently-operating initiatives.
This event is free but registration is required. Seating is available on a first-come,
first-served basis. Please RSVP to ehf.newyork@gmail.com
The elevator at The Emily Harvey Foundation is currently under repair, so the second floor space is not wheelchair accessible. Please write to ehf.newyork@gmail.com at least three days before the event and we will make every effort to accommodate you.
More information on the conference here.