
Transmissions, a poet's TV show featuring Hoa Nguyen and Magdalena Zurawski
May 28, 2020, 4:00 pm

Tune into Episode 6 of TRANSMISSIONS, curated by CA Conrad and featuring UDP authors Hoa Nguyen (Tells of the Crackling, 2015) and Magdalena Zurawski (Being Human is an Occult Practice, forthcoming September 2020).

This is part of the first season of TRANSMISSIONS, a new online platform established by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali and Tai Shani, and hosted by the Wysing Arts Centre. TRANSMISSIONS will be broadcast weekly via Twitch, on Thursdays at 9pm GMT (4PM EST) and Fridays at 9am GMT Each broadcast will last approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes.


CAConrad’s latest book JUPITER ALIGNMENT: (Soma)tic Poetry Rituals, is forthcoming from Ignota Books in 2020. The author of 9 books of poetry and essays, While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books), won the 2018 Lambda Book Award. They also received a 2019 Creative Capital grant as well as a Pew Fellowship, the Believer Magazine Book Award, and the Gil Ott Book Award. They regularly teach at Columbia University in New York City, and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Please view their books, essays, recordings, and the documentary The Book of Conrad (Delinquent Films) online at http://bit.ly/88CAConrad

Also featuring: Tamas Panitz, Eileen Myles, Wo Chan, Dawn Lundy Martin, Nick Flynn, Anne Carson & Robert Currie, Fred Moten, Sophie Robinson, Raquel Salas Rivera, Thurston Moore, Erica Kaufman, Timothy Donnelly, Gunnar Waerness, Ricardo Domeneck, Cathy Park Hong, Divya Victor


Watch the livestream:

On the Wysing Arts Centre homepage, click here.

On Twitch, where you can comment and chat, click here.

With subtitles on Twitch, click here.

More information here.