
The Voice in the Headphones with Sasha Frere-Jones and David Grubbs
July 28, 2020, 5:00 pm
at Popular Music Books in Process

IASPM-US, Journal of Popular Music Studies, and the Pop Conference are pleased to announce a new weekly series on Popular Music Books In Process. This series is meant to offer writers and scholars with books that have recently been published, or books in progress, on all kinds of popular music a chance to connect with a deeply interested community of readers. And to give the rest of us a sense that our intellectual world, however dormant, is far from dead. Email Eric Weisbard (Eric.Weisbard [at] gmail.com) to be added to the list of attendees sent updates, Zoom links, and other advance material.

David Grubbs’s The Voice in the Headphones (Duke University Press, 2020) is a book-length prose poem that centers on the culture of the recording studio, presenting in prismatic detail one marathon day in a recording studio over the course of which an unnamed musician struggles to complete a film soundtrack. The Voice in the Headphones and Grubbs’s previous book, Now that the audience is assembled (Duke University Press, 2018), are the first two of three books in a series of experiments in music writing in the form of long poems. Grubbs will introduce the project, give a short reading from The Voice in the Headphones, and then be joined in conversation by the critic Sasha Frere-Jones.

Grubbs has forwarded two short PDF excerpts from The Voice in the Headphones (pp. 1-14) and Now that the audience is assembled (pp. 1-9), and also invites attendees to look at and listen to Sasha Frere-Jones’s recent feature that addresses The Voice in the Headphones and contains a number of audio and video links: https://sfj.substack.com/p/david-grubbs.