Daniel Beauregard

Daniel Beauregard lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Action Books Blog, Propagule, ergot, Self Fuck, New South, Burning House Press, Alwayscrashing, and elsewhere. He’s the author of numerous chapbooks of poetry, most recently Total Darkness Means No Notifications (Anstruther Press) and Anatomizing Uncanny Alley (Self Fuck). His full-length collection of poetry, You Alive Home Yet? is available from Schism Neuronics and he recently released a splatterpunk novel Blood Pudding (World Castle Publishing) and a post-apocalyptic novella The Mother of Flowers (The Wild Rose Press). Daniel’s first collection of short stories, Funeralopolis (Orbis Tertius Press), and existential horror novel Lord of Chaos (Erratum Press) will be published in 2023. He is also co-founder of OOMPH!, a small press devoted to the publication of poetry and prose in translation. He can be reached @666ICECREAM.

Publications Daniel Beauregard contributed to: