[Stockholm, Sweden] [ongoing]

Åke Hodell: Resistance an Exhibition with 5 Acts
October 27, 2020,
at Tensta konsthall

Åke Hodell, author of UDP’s The Marathon Poet, will be featured in an exhibit with the Tensta konsthall art center in Stockholm. Åke Hodell: Resistance – An exhibition with 5 live programs presents a number of his most well-known works, with igevär (1963), Orderbuch (1965), Where is Eldridge Cleaver? (1969) and Strindbergiana (1987) as well as lesser-known works. Hodell’s works are the source of inspiration for a program of live acts in which musicians and concrete poets relate to Hodell’s works in a multitude of ways. For more information about the exhibition, follow this link here.