Norman Maurice Potter

In galáxias’ translation credits, Norman Potter, co-translator with Christopher Middleton of the fragment “passtimes and killtimes,” was inadvertently misidentified as his homonymous contemporary, a British cabinetmaker and poet. We apologize for this case of mistaken identity and offer a correction.

Norman Maurice Potter was a Brazilian translator and academic. In the 1950s, he taught English language and literature at the State University in São José do Rio Preto and the Mackenzie Institute in São Paulo. After the Brazilian military coup of 1964, he traveled to Germany, where he became a member of the Interpreter’s Institute at the University of Heidelberg in 1965. He later moved to the United States to teach at institutions such as the University of Texas. At Texas, he met and collaborated with Christopher Middleton when Haroldo de Campos was a visiting professor there in the 1970s and 80s. He earned a doctorate from the University of Minnesota in 1981 with a dissertation titled “A construção do espaço narrativo no romance brasileiro moderno (1902-1938)” [The Construction of Narrative Space in the Modern Brazilian Novel (1902-1938)”]. He subsequently relocated to São Paulo, where he lived the rest of his life.

Publications Norman Maurice Potter contributed to: