Ana Pepelnik
lives in Ljubljana. She studied Comparative Literature and Theory of Literature at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana. She works as a presenter for the independent radio station Radio Študent and takes part in music-poetry performances. Her poems have been published in the journals of Literatura and Dialogi. Her first book of poetry Ena od variant kako ravnati s skrivnostjo (One Way to Treat a Secret) was published by LUD Literatura in the Prišleki series; her second book, Utrip oranžnih luči na semaforjih came out in spring 2009. Her translations of poetry into Slovene include the following: Elizabeth Bishop, James M. Schuyler, Matthew Zapruder (American Linden; Šerpa 2008), Joshua Beckman, Noelle Kocot, and Matthew Rohrer, but she also translates into English.