Arielle Greenberg

Arielle Greenberg is the co-author, with Rachel Zucker, of Home/Birth: A Poemic (1913 Press, 2011), and author of My Kafka Century (Action Books, 2005), Given (Verse, 2002) and the recently republished chapbook Shake Her (Ugly Duckling Press, 2013). She is co-editor of three anthologies: with Rachel Zucker, Starting Today: 100 Poems for Obama’s First 100 Days (Iowa, 2010) and Women Poets on Mentorship: Efforts and Affections (Iowa, 2008); and with Lara Glenum, Gurlesque (Saturnalia, 2010). Twice featured in Best American Poetry and the recipient of a MacDowell Colony fellowship, she is the founder-moderator of the poet-moms listserv. In 2011 she left a tenured position in poetry at Columbia College Chicago to move with her family to a small town in Maine, and now writes a regular column for the American Poetry Review on issues and trends in contemporary poetics, and teaches poetry in the local community, and through the low-residency MFA at Oregon State University-Cascades.

Publications Arielle Greenberg contributed to: