Fredrik Nyberg
Fredrik Nyberg is a Swedish poet born in 1968, currently living in Gothenburg, Sweden. He attended the creative writing program at the University of Gothenburg, an institution which has fostered some of the country’s better-known writers, and has since become an established force in new forms of poetic expression there. En annorlunda praktik (A Different Practice) was his first book, published by Norstedts Förlag in 1998. Subsequent books Blomsterur – Förklaringar och Dikter (Clockwork of Flowers: Explanations and Poems), and Åren (The Years), were published in 2000 and 2002, respectively. In 2003, Nyberg wrote the play Tunnelsång (Tunnel Song), commissioned by Gothenburg’s Cinnnober Theater with the mission to stimulate and develop contemporary Swedish theatre. Nyberg serves on the editorial board of the Swedish literary publication OEI. Translations of his poetry appeared in the Summer 2002 issue of The Literary Review and the 2005 Spring/Summer issue of Circumference. His latest collection, Det blir inte rättvist bara för att båda blundar (It won’t be fair just because both shut their eyes), was put out by Norstedts in 2006, and his introduction to Erik Beckman’s Collected Poems was published in January of 2007.