Ida Börjel
Ida Börjel, poet and translator. Currently lives in Malmö, Sweden. In her award winning books of poetry, including Sond (Probe), Skåneradio (Radio Scania), Konsumentköplagen: juris lyrik (The Consumers Purchase Act: juridical lyricisms), and MA, she is enquiring into and trying to enact our contemporary, linguistic, and societal conditions in relation to different forms of authority, sovereignty and juridical systems. For the latest edition of her “Miximum Ca Canny The Sabotage Manuals you cutta da pay we cutta da shob”, she invited 21 colleagues worldwide to sabotage the manuscript. Her latest book, Arvodet Marginalintäkten (The Fee The Marginal Revenue) are radio plays encircling the language of Economish, and how that language of argumentation affects social distancing, or the distance between our hearts. Börjel has translated Valzhyna Mort’s Music for The Dead and Resurrected and Solmaz Sharif’s Look into Swedish. As a co-translator, she has translated poetry books from Russian by Maria Stepanova and Galina Rymbu.