Jeffrey Joe Nelson

Jeffrey Joe Nelson grew up in the Garden State. Extended sojourns throughout North Carolina, Wales, Florida, California, Italy, Holland, Cuba, Prague, and Croatia eventually brought him to Brooklyn when he has lived for the past 17 years. Jeffrey Joe’s work has appeared in New York Nights, Lungfull!, AMARCANA, The Death & Life of American Cities, Pomes by Sunday, 6×6, Dial Town, and Greetings, a magazine of the sound arts he founded in 1998. Chapbooks include a car/A Pome (Lew Gallery Editions) and Caption my Caption (Gneiss Books). He is working on a 7-book genre series and has a forthcoming chapbook from Gneiss Books called 24 Golden Bears. He teaches English, runs the Thursdaynight reading series at Unnameable bookstore and coaches his son Ili Edward Cooledge and daughter Luna Eve Nelson in life with his wife Imaansky Selim.

Publications Jeffrey Joe Nelson contributed to: