Jèssica Pujol Duran

Jèssica Pujol Duran (Barcelona, 1982) is a poet, translator and researcher, currently working as Assistant Professor at the University of Santiago de Chile. She writes and translates in Catalan, English and Spanish, and has three chapbooks in English, Now Worry (Department, 2012), Every Bit of Light (Oystercatcher Press, 2012) and Mare (Carnaval Press, 2018); two books in Catalan, El país pintat (Pont del petroli, 2015) and ninó, (Pont del petroli, 2019), and two in Spanish, Entrar es tan difícil salir (Veer Books, 2016), with translations by William Rowe, and El campo envolvente (LP5 Editora, 2021). She is the editor of the magazine Alba Londres (www.albalondres.com). 

Publications Jèssica Pujol Duran contributed to: