Lénaïg Cariou

Lénaïg Cariou is a poet, translator and critic. As a poet, she published À main levée (LansKine) and La poésie n’est pas une bonne fille (Le Coin de la rue de l’Enfer, with Liliane Giraudon and Maxime Hortense Pascal) ; her third book, les dires (P.O.L.) is forthcoming. With Limited Connection Collective, she translates North American poetry into French and vice versa; together, they translated works by Cole Swensen, Mónica de la Torre, Eleni Sikelianos, Laura Vazquez, Adrienne Rich, and Kay Gabriel. Her critical work focuses on French and American contemporary poetry; she is a PhD candidate at Université Paris 8 / Université Paris Cité, and received the Young Researcher Prize from Fondation des Treilles for her current research on poetry.

Publications Lénaïg Cariou contributed to: