Rodrigo Flores Sánchez

Rodrigo Flores Sánchez (Mexico City) is the author of the poetry volumes estimado cliente (Lapsus, 2005 and Bonobos/Setenta), baterías (Invisible), Zalagarda (Mano Santa), and Tianguis (Almadía). Excerpts from Intervenir, a collaboration with Dolores Dorantes, have been published in a number of journals, including Aufgabe and Mandorla. His writing has been translated into English, Portuguese, Catalán and Swedish; his translations into Spanish include works by Wallace Stevens, Jack Spicer, Muriel Rukeyser, Gertrude Stein and Hannah Weiner.

Rodrigo Flores Sánchez (ciudad de México) es autor de los libros de poesía estimado cliente (Lapsus, Uruguay, y Bonobos/Setenta, México), baterías (Invisible, México), Zalagarda (Mano Santa, México) y Tianguis (Almadía, México). Intervenir, libro escrito en colaboración con Dolores Dorantes, ha aparecido en distintas publicaciones. Asimismo textos suyos han sido traducidos al inglés, portugués, catalán y sueco. Ha traducido textos de Wallace Stevens, Jack Spicer, Muriel Rukeyser, Gertrude Stein y Hannah Weiner.

Publications Rodrigo Flores Sánchez contributed to: