Sophie Seita

Sophie Seita is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and researcher. Her text- and research-based practice spans poetry, performance, lecture-performance, video, translation, and multimedia collaborations. Her work has recently been presented at Art Night 2018 (Oxo Tower, London), SAAS-Fee Summer Institute of Art, the Royal Academy, Bold Tendencies, the Arnolfini, La MaMa Galleria, Cité Internationale des Arts, Parasol Unit, Company Gallery, and elsewhere. She’s the author of the poetry and performance books Meat (Little Red Leaves), Fantasias in Counting (BlazeVOX), and 12 Steps (Wide Range); the translator of Uljana Wolf’s Subsisters: Selected Poems (Belladonna*); and the editor of a centenary reprint of The Blind Man (Ugly Duckling Presse), named one of the Best Art Books of 2017 by The New York Times. She is also currently a Research Fellow at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, where she recently finished her monograph Provisional Avant-Gardes: Little Magazine Communities from Dada to Digital, forthcoming from Stanford University Press in 2019.

Publications Sophie Seita contributed to: