[New York, NY 10014]

On the Cranial Nerves of Barbarians II: Panoply Performance Lab
July 12, 2023, 7:00 pm
at New Ohio Theatre

Conceived and Co-directed by Esther Neff, Noah Ortega, 3dwardsharp, with Thea Little, Jessica Bathurst, Irina Varina, and Mia Destiny.

Operating as a practical philosophy of mind, Panoply Performance Lab (PPL)’s new operetta draws on social research and stages live experiments, pitching AI-processed perversions of German avant-garde political theatre alongside expressionist debates as to whether to give sanctuary to the souls of the barbus L catfish (a type of carp), who both perished in the dissection practices of Büchner and Freud and currently clog the watersheds of North America. Mental Representation is no more a way of nature than plastic is a perfect food, and anyone who loves consciousness should be ready to perish for it.

Learn more here.