[Brooklyn, NY]

Almeida, Eckes, Rogal (poetry reading and book party)
March 1, 2019, 7:30 pm
at Old American Can Factory

A reading celebrating new books and chapbooks from UDP and Split Lip
Wine/Beer/Seltzer will be served. Books will be available at discount.

RYAN ECKES is a poet from Philadelphia. His latest book, General Motors (Split Lip Press, 2018), is about labor and the influence of public and private transportation on city life. Other books include Valu-Plus and Old News (Furniture Press 2014, 2011). His poetry can be found in Tripwire, Slow Poetry in America Newsletter, Entropy and elsewhere. In recent years he has worked as an adjunct professor and labor organizer in education. He won a Pew Fellowship in 2016.

LISA ROGAL is the author of Morning Ritual (United Artists Books), and the chapbook The New Realities (Third Floor Apartment Press). Her poems have appeared in Elderly, Visceral Brooklyn, Portable Boog Reader, Greetings, and Poems by Sunday, among other publications. A graduate of the MFA program at Long Island University, she currently teaches and lives in Sacramento, California.

ALEXIS ALMEIDA grew up in Chicago. She is the author of I Have Never Been Able to Sing (UDP, 2018), and the translator of Dalia Rosetti’s Dreams and Nightmares (Les Figues, 2019) and Marina Yuszczuk’s Single Mother (Spork, 2019). She teaches at the Language and Thinking Program at Bard College, and currently lives in Brooklyn, where she teaches at the Bard microcollege at the Brooklyn Public Library, and runs 18 Owls Press.

CHRISTOPHER REY PÉREZ is a poet working from within a matrix of opaque folklore, violence, and language. He’s the author of gauguin’s notebook, as well as a number of pamphlets in English and Spanish. He’s from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Ryan Eckes, General Motors (Split Lip Press, 2018)
Lisa Rogal, Feed Me Weird Things (UDP, 2018)
Alexis Almeida, I Have Never Been Able to Sing (UDP, 2018)