
Annie Dorsen at Sharjah Biennial 14
March 7, 2019, 12:00 am
at Sharjah Art Foundation

Infinite Sun, an algorithmic sound installation by Annie Dorsen, author of A Piece of Work (UDP 2017), on view at the Sharjah Biennial 14.
Opening March 7-March 9.

Biennial Dates: March 7-June 10.

Infinite Sun, is a tongue-in-cheek exploration of ‘artificial spirituality’. Eleven laptops are programmed to spontaneously, autonomously, and continuously chant a mix of real and algorithmically-generated spiritual mantras.  Drawing on traditions of spiritual call, universal prayer and the relationship between language and mind, this semi-automated performative installation is outsourced to and mediated by the very digital equipment that has become a mental repository of this contemporary moment.

More information here.