[New York]

Book launch: "A History of Russian Literature" by Kahn, Lipovetsky, Reyfman, & Sandler
October 12, 2018, 4:00 pm
at Harriman Institute Atrium (12th Floor, International Affairs Building)

Please join the Harriman Institute in its celebration of A History of Russian Literature (Oxford University Press, 2018), authored by Andrew Kahn (Oxford), Mark Lipovetsky (Colorado-Boulder, but soon to join the Columbia Slavic Dept.), Irina Reyfman (Columbia) and Stephanie Sandler (Harvard). All four authors will be present for the Harriman's celebration. In addition, the authors have invited four guests to participate in the discussion of the book's genesis, novel structure, and tremendous scope. The guests are: Polina Barskova (Hampshire College), Caryl Emerson (Princeton), Olga Maiorova (Michigan) and Wes Williams (Oxford). More info here.