[New York, NY]

Mature Fantasies: Ben Fama, Cecilia Corrigan, and Andrew Durbin
March 19, 2015, 7:00 pm
at McNally Jackson

Join poets Cecelia Corrigan, Andrew Durbin, and Ben Fama for readings from their newest works, Corrigan's TITANIC, Durbin's Mature Themes, and Fama's Fantasy. "Nothing aboutTITANIC... harkens back to anything. It is wild, engaging, mysterious, and bold" (Chicago Review of Books). Of Mature Themes, The Boston Review writes: "If you've ever watched Clueless and wondered if it was an allegory for the Clinton administration, this book is for you." And of Fantasy, Wayne Koestenbaum wonders, "How did Fama invent a tone so perfect and icy, so equal to our times?"More information here