
Poetry at MIT: Jessica Bozek and Daniel Bouchard
March 9, 2015, 7:00 pm
at Ray and Maria Stata Center

Room 32-141Stata Center (aka Frank Gehry building) Daniel Bouchard's poetry collections include Art & Nature (UDP 2014), The Filaments(Zasterle Press), Some Mountains Removed (Subpress) andDiminutive Revolutions (Subpress). Recent essays have appeared in The Capilano Review(on George Stanley's Vancouver) and Jacket2 (on Rachel Blau DuPlessis's Drafts) and Let the Bucket Down (on Fanny Howe's poetry). He edited the print-only poetry journal The Poker from 2003-2009. Jessica Bozek is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, The Tales (Les Figues, 2013) and The Bodyfeel Lexicon (Switchback, 2009), as well as several chapbooks: Squint into the Sun (Dancing Girl, 2010), Other People’s Emergencies (Hive, 2009), Touristing (Dusie, 2009), and correspondence (Dusie, 2007). Winner of the 2012 NOS Book Contest, The Tales is based largely on the Reading Disaster seminar she taught at BU from 2007-2012. Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Another Chicago Magazine, Everyday Genius, Tarpaulin Sky, and The Volta. Recent non-fiction appears in A. Bradstreet, American Microreviews and Interviews, and Zoland Poetry. Jessica currently runs the Small Animal Project Reading Series, which was awarded a project grant from the Cambridge Arts Council and Massachusetts Cultural Council in 2012. With her Poetry Now classes, she has created an online poetry journal called The First Experiment. More event information here.