
Sandra Liu and Daniel Owen at Greetings
December 6, 2018, 8:00 pm
at Unnameable Books

A Greetings Reading at Unnameable Books:Daniel Owen, Sandra Liu, and TBA, plus the sounds of the O.A.E. "Sandra Liu has written a book [On Poems On, UDP, 2012] that seems to compassionately address just about everything I think about these days: the end of the earth as we know it, the question of multiplicity, how much multiplicity we can handle in the noisy sad din of information we are subject to and subject of, the break down of textual language we utilize to cover this 'story.' As such she is one of the small group of writers and intellectuals absorbing, rather than refusing or representing, the rubble we inhabit as the material from which might emerge contemporary forms of poetic sense."    —RACHEL LEVITSKY "The poems in Sandra Liu’s On Poems On are brisk and probing and at times a little nerdy, which I love. The adjective linguistic comes to mind—or lexical, but never (not ever) wordy, do you follow? At first the dice start moving a little: 'he the pedogenesis.' Then they begin to spin, quickly but not recklessly: 'you can’t be blue/ unless you are a man/ who thinks he’s a berry.'" —MICHAEL EARL CRAIG