[New York, NY]

Segue Series: Lauren Levin & Diana Hamilton
May 11, 2019, 4:30 pm
at Zinc Bar

Lauren Levin is a poet, mixed-genre writer, and art critic, author of The Braid(Krupskaya) and Justice Piece // Transmission (Timeless, Infinite Light). Their gender identity is some mix of belated queer, Jewish great-aunt, and aspirational Frank O’Hara. Originally from New Orleans, they live in Richmond, CA.
Diana Hamilton is the author of God Was Right (Ugly Duckling Presse), The Awful Truth (Golias Books), and Okay, Okay (Truck Books). She writes poetry, fiction, and criticism about style, crying, shit, kisses, dreams, fainting, writing, and re-reading.

April / May 2019 Curated by Anna Gurton-Wachter & Ian Dreiblatt
five dollars
(all proceeds go to readers)

More info here.