[New York, NY]

Segue Series: Nathan Austin & Sarah Riggs
April 13, 2019, 4:30 pm
at Zinc Bar

Nathan Austin is the author of Survey Says! and “Surround Sound”. His work has been anthologized in Loose Watch and Against Expression. He is writing a book exploring the natural, social, and cultural histories of central and Southern California, where he was born and currently lives.
Sarah Riggs is a writer, artist, filmmaker, and translator. Her translation of Etel Adnan’s Time is forthcoming (Nightboat). She is currently working on a film about New York dancer-choreographers, and collaborating with Mirene Arsanios on “Footprint Zero,” a project of artists responding to the environmental crisis. More at www.sarahriggs.org.

April / May 2019 Curated by Anna Gurton-Wachter & Ian Dreiblatt
five dollars
(all proceeds go to readers)

More info here.