[New York, NY]

Simone White and Andrea Abi Karam, Broadside Reading Series: Part 1
May 1, 2019, 6:30 pm
at The Center for Book Arts

The May 1st reading will feature Poets Andrea Abi-Karam & Simone White; and work from Resident Artists Keith Graham & Jihyun Hong. More info on Facebook here.

Andrea Abi-Karam is an arab-american genderqueer punk poet-performer cyborg, writing on the art of killing bros, the intricacies of cyborg bodies, trauma & delayed healing. Their chapbook, THE AFTERMATH (Commune Editions, 2016), attempts to queer Fanon’s vision of how poetry fails to inspire revolution. Simone White selected their second assemblage, Villainy for forthcoming publication with Les Figues. They toured with Sister Spit March 2018 & are hype to live in New York. EXTRATRANSMISSION [Kelsey Street Press, 2019] is their first book. andreaak.com

Simone White was born Middletown, Connecticut, and raised in Philadelphia. She earned her BA from Wesleyan University, JD from Harvard Law School, and MFA from the New School. White is the author of the full-length collection House Envy of All the World (2010) and the chapbooks Dolly (2008) and Unrest (2013). Her work has been praised for its innovative complexity, allusive song, and “lyric deconstruction of desire, entitlement, blackness, the domestic, language and diction,” in the words of Anna Moschovakis. White has received fellowships from Cave Canem and was selected as a New American Poet for the Poetry Society of America. She is completing a PhD in English at the CUNY Graduate Center and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Keith Graham is a printmaker, carpenter and educator. In drawings, prints and books he uses close observation of detail, texture and sequence to present narratives which explore a fascination with memory, sense of place, and eulogy. Originally from Seattle, he studied with Fred Hagstrom at Carleton College and Karen Kunc at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is now based in New York City.

“Jihyun is a recipient of Yaddo (2016), The Wassaic Project(2016), Vermont Studio Center (2017). She is currently participating in a residency at The Center for Book Arts (NYC), and her work will be in a group show at Korean Cultural Center of New York in spring.”