
Teddysnorkel - Phil Cordelli & Sueyen Juliette Lee at Leon Gallery online
May 7, 2020, 6:00 pm
at Leon Gallery on facebook

Please join the Leon Gallery on Thursday, May 7th, at 7pm MST, for a live streaming of the first installment of Leon’s 3rd Annual Performance Art Series, “Was, Is, Will Be.”

Kicking off the performance art series is a video performance by Phil Cordelli (author of Manual of Woody Plants) and Sueyeun Juliette Lee titled, “Teddysnorkel.”

Link to Live Feed: https://www.facebook.com/leongallery/live_videos/

Link to Youtube Live Feed:

To make donations to the artists you can send $ via Venmo:

Artist Statement:
We will manifest and consume messages from other forms of life here on earth to prepare our bodies as channels to the future.

Artist Bios:
Phil Cordelli is a poet and farmer just outside the city of Denver.
Sueyeun Juliette Lee grew up three miles from the CIA. Find her at silentbroadcast.com