[New York]

TRIPTYCH: Sarah Jean Alexander - Ben Fama - Angel Nafis
April 15, 2015, 7:00 pm
at Babycastles

▲▲▲ Sarah Jean Alexander is an American writer from Brooklyn. She is the author of Wildlives (Big Lucks Books, 2015), the poetry editor of Shabby Doll House and has been featured in Spork, Hobart, Dazed Digital, Fanzine and other print & digital publications. Ben Fama is the author of New Waves, Aquarius Rising, and the artist book Mall Witch. He is the co-editor of Wonder. His work appears in The Brooklyn Rail, Action Yes, Jubilat, notnostrums, LIT, Poor Claudia, Denver Quarterly, Maggy, and on the Best American Poetry Blog. He lives in New York City. Angel Nafis is a Cave Canem Fellow. Her work has appeared in The Rattling Wall, Union Station Magazine, MUZZLE Magazine, Mosaic Magazine and forthcoming in Poetry Magazine. She is an Urban Word NYC Mentor and the founder, curator, and host of the quarterly Greenlight Bookstore Poetry Salon reading series. She is the author of BlackGirl Mansion (Red Beard Press/ New School Poetics, 2012) Facilitating generative writing workshops and reading poems across the United States and Canada, she lives in Brooklyn. ▲ Doors at 7 - readings at 7:30 Suggested donation for Babycastles ~ $5 Drinks available Curated by Alina Gregorian   Facebook event here: