[New York]

Wendy's Subway Reading Room and Talk Series: Writers Who Publish
March 29, 2018, 7:00 pm
at Bard Graduate Center Gallery

Wendy’s Subway invites three independent and small press New York-based publishers with writers at their helms to think about the intersections of writing, poetics, and publishing. Anna Gurton-Wachter and MC Hyland from DoubleCross Press, Isabel Sobral Campos from Sputnik & Fizzle, and Lee Norton from Ugly Duckling Presse will reflect on the relationships between their own practices as writers and as publishers in short presentations that interlace their own creative work, selections from past publications, and a myriad of other references and resources guiding their publishing and writing. A selection of titles by each publisher will be on display and for sale for the evening. More information on the Wendy's Subway website here, and on the event's Facebook page.