News and Reviews
- 02.20.25 | Asterism Books lists 10 titles of note from Ugly Duckling Presse
- 02.13.25 | Against the Regime of the Fluent by Natasha Tiniacos reviewed by the Morning Star
- 01.30.25 | Translators Odile Cisneros, Suzanne Jill Levine, and Charles A. Perrone talk Haroldo de Campos’s galáxias in roundtable interview for Asymptote
- 01.28.25 | galáxias by Haroldo de Campos and Black Box Named Like to Me by Diana Garza Islas reviewed in The Morning Star
- 01.21.25 | Black Box Named Like to Me by Diana Garza Islas reviewed in Poetry Northwest
- 01.21.25 | Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine, Susana Thénon, Ida Börjel and more UDP authors and translators featured in Tripwire 21
- 01.06.25 | Haroldo de Campos’s galáxias reviewed by Daniel Yadin in Full Stop
- 01.06.25 | María Negroni’s Exilium reviewed by Gregary J. Racz in Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas
- 12.16.24 | Alex Cuff talks Common Amnesias on rob mclennan’s blog
- 12.02.24 | Lemonade, A Paranormal Investigation by Catalina Vargas Tovar, reviewed by Leo Boix for the Morning Star
- 11.19.24 | Lemonade, A Paranormal Investigation by Catalina Vargas Tovar, reviewed by Tania Ganitzki for Revista de Estudios Colombianos
- 11.18.24 | Kendra Sullivan talks Reps with Tanya Lukin Linklater for BOMB Magazine
- 11.04.24 | Catalina Vargas Tovar, author of Lemonade: A Paranormal Investigation, interviewed on A Fondo Con María Jimena Duzán
- 10.28.24 | Black Box Named Like to Me translator Cal Paule interviewed by Hiba Tahir
- 10.18.24 | Reps by Kendra Sullivan featured in Electric Literature
- 10.17.24 | Sergio Chejfec’s The Month of the Flies reviewed in the Morning Star
- 10.10.24 | Jahan Khajavi’s Feast of the Ass reviewed by Louis Fratino in Mousse Magazine
- 10.10.24 | Ugly Duckling Presse named one of Gowanus’s best indie publishers by Brooklyn Magazine
- 10.03.24 | sadé powell’s wordtomydead wins the 2023 Big Other Book Award for poetry
- 10.01.24 | Milo Wippermann talks Joan of Arkansas with Will Corwin in Rain Taxi
- 09.26.24 | Natasha Tiniacos’s Against the Regime of the Fluent makes CLMP’s Hispanic Heritage Month reading list
- 09.19.24 | Haroldo de Campos’s galáxias reviewed by Janani Ambikapathy in the Poetry Foundation
- 09.12.24 | Carlos Soto Román talks 11 with Leanne Tory-Murphy for Jacket2
- 09.09.24 | Kendra Sullivan and Lucy Ives Talk Reps in the Poetry Project Newsletter