6×6 #13: If all tagalong creation insists on being

6x6 Poets


February 2007
Read an excerpt
thirty-first state
If all tagalong creation insists on being
what it’s not, rocks dying to skip downhill and spread
out gravel at our feet, hurricane trees to fly
close, everyone caught in your photos to smile and
perform some realistic gesture, the sky to
empty itself all over your face, human feet
to grasp, throat meat so much to be the ticklish air
that threads its variable muscle clutch, and you
to be filled choke full with words ground together in
tectonic poems—and everything just aspires
to a moan—then this crunching must really be the
gravel begging beneath our feet. And if not, not.
—Evan Willner


Called cold, caught in the beak of a very / late night

Matthew Gavin Frank

Poems by Matthew Gavin Frank, George Kalamaras, Ann Lauterbach, Matthew Rohrer, Evan Willner, and Lynn Xu.

The cover of 6×6 #13 was designed by Matvei Yankelevich and letterpress printed by Polyprint & Design in NYC.

About the Author

6×6 magazine included 6 poets in each issue.

6×6 was supported in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and by the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.

ISSN: 1553-9459

Publication Details

Rubber Band Binding. 52 pp, 7 x 7 in
Publication Date: February 01 2007
Distribution: Direct Only
Series: 6x6 #13