6×6 #32: Out of cardboard, out of bounds…

6x6 Poets

POETRY  | $6

June 2015

The death of goose dreams and ambitions / expand the epistemic demons of authenticity

James D. Fuson

Poems by James D. Fuson, Lyn Hejinian, Barbara Henning, Tony Iantosca, Uros Kotlajic, and Morgan Parker.

About the Author

6×6 magazine included 6 poets in each issue.

6×6 was supported in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and by the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.

ISSN: 1553-9459


Issue 32 opens with a six-page ramble of a poem from Lyn Hejinian that’s as satisfying as it is enigmatic … It’ll be tough for 6×6 to top this one.

Scott Bryson

It is important to document the worries and wonders that consume our thoughts—small as they may be—and important to read and relate to these documentations. The universe is large, and we are small, and #32 reminds us of this in ways that are beautiful, comforting, and strange … Issue #32 will comfort readers in strange ways by reminding us coolly of our mortality, of the insignificance of our problems, and of the incessant nature of our thoughts and worries. This issue is well-suited for readers who want to face human flaws head-on and embrace our existence with refreshingly blunt honesty.

Dana Johnson

Publication Details

Rubber Band Binding. 52 pp, 7 x 7 in
Publication Date: June 15 2015
Distribution: Direct Only
Series: 6x6 #32