BRIDGE I am following Hans across a bridge that is hanging in mid AIR. We are surrounded by nothing—a vast space, a void. It’s a beautiful bridge made of WOOD. We must jump onto a very small piece of wood suspended in the air in order to go onto another bridge that leads us in a different direction. I tell Hans I canot do it. He says I did it last time. I turn away and I walk backwards. Ellie goes with me.

After you, dearest language
Marisol Limon Martinez
April 2005
A subtle and beautifully-crafted exploration of a personal language
Guillermo Juan Parra
Conceived as a sort of hypertext in book form, After You, Dearest Language is an alphabetical index of the author’s dreams and visions.
About the Author
Marisol Limon Martinez is a writer, musician, composer, and artist. She is the author of the books Via Dissimulata (Octopus Books), After You, Dearest Language (UDP), First Space, Then Structures (Nothing Moments Publishing), the chapbook, Honorary Men (Guillotine), and the albums, Here Her Ghost (EP) and Autoportrait (EP). She was the co-founder/editor of the newspaper, New York Nights (UDP and Loudmouth Collective). Marisol has received grants from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), and the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). Her work can be found in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Brooklyn Museum, New York Public Library Print Collection, Yale University, and Harvard University.
...Martinez's book works as both a dream index and an index of dreams. Martinez converts the associative impulse of the Surrealists to a literal cross-reference, a gesture which is also this book's unique contribution to the abecedarian trend...
Joyelle Mcsweeney, Rain Taxi
This linguistic navigation, much like Barthes by Barthes and Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Words, articulates one’s (often inarticulate, and yes, mysterious) interior and its relationship to exteriority.
Claudia Milian
A subtle and beautifully-crafted exploration of a personal language…but clothed in song, clothed in the visionary power of poetry. Language as a method against evil...
Guillermo Juan Parra
In the News
Publication Details
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 104 pp, 5.75 x 8 in
Publication Date: April 01 2005
Distribution: SPD